# far model CODE resource # near model jump table entries starting at A5 + 0x00000000 (0 of them) # far model jump table entries starting at A5 + 0x0000DEB8 (8 of them) # A5 relocation data at 0x0000094C # A5 relocation at 00000042 # A5 relocation at 00000082 # A5 relocation at 00000096 # A5 relocation at 0000009C # A5 relocation at 000000C6 # A5 relocation at 00000108 # A5 relocation at 000000C0 # A5 relocation at 00000102 # A5 relocation at 00000112 # A5 relocation at 00000134 # A5 relocation at 00000152 # A5 relocation at 00000174 # A5 relocation at 00000126 # A5 relocation at 00000166 # A5 relocation at 00000146 # A5 relocation at 0000018C # A5 relocation at 0000019C # A5 relocation at 000001A6 # A5 relocation at 000001F4 # A5 relocation at 00000234 # A5 relocation at 00000244 # A5 relocation at 0000024A # A5 relocation at 00000272 # A5 relocation at 0000026C # A5 relocation at 0000028E # A5 relocation at 000002BA # A5 relocation at 000002CA # A5 relocation at 000002D4 # A5 relocation at 00000324 # A5 relocation at 00000364 # A5 relocation at 00000374 # A5 relocation at 0000037A # A5 relocation at 0000039A # A5 relocation at 00000394 # A5 relocation at 000003BE # A5 relocation at 000003E2 # A5 relocation at 000003F0 # A5 relocation at 000003FA # A5 relocation at 00000448 # A5 relocation at 00000488 # A5 relocation at 00000498 # A5 relocation at 0000049E # A5 relocation at 000004C6 # A5 relocation at 000004C0 # A5 relocation at 000004E2 # A5 relocation at 0000050E # A5 relocation at 0000051E # A5 relocation at 00000528 # A5 relocation at 00000578 # A5 relocation at 000005B8 # A5 relocation at 000005C8 # A5 relocation at 000005CE # A5 relocation at 000005EE # A5 relocation at 000005E8 # A5 relocation at 00000612 # A5 relocation at 00000636 # A5 relocation at 00000644 # A5 relocation at 0000064E # A5 relocation at 0000069C # A5 relocation at 000006EC # A5 relocation at 000006FC # A5 relocation at 00000702 # A5 relocation at 00000730 # A5 relocation at 0000072A # A5 relocation at 00000774 # A5 relocation at 00000784 # A5 relocation at 0000078E # A5 relocation at 000007DE # A5 relocation at 00000804 # A5 relocation at 00000814 # A5 relocation at 0000081A # A5 relocation at 00000824 # A5 relocation at 00000836 # A5 relocation at 00000844 # A5 relocation at 0000084E # A5 relocation at 0000089A # A5 relocation at 000008C0 # A5 relocation at 000008D0 # A5 relocation at 000008D6 # A5 relocation at 000008E0 # A5 relocation at 000008F2 # A5 relocation at 00000900 # A5 relocation at 0000090A # A5 is 0x00000000 # PC relocation data at 0x000009C1 # PC relocation at 000006AC # load address is 0x00000000 00000000 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 00000004 4348 chk.w D1, A0 00000006 455A chk.w D2, [A2]+ 00000008 4E56 FF84 link A6, -0x007C 0000000C 48E7 1020 movem.l -[A7], D3,A2 00000010 246E 0010 movea.l A2, [A6 + 0x10] 00000014 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 00000018 4EB9 0000 DD62 jsr [0x0000DD62] 0000001E 2F2E 000C move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0xC] 00000022 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 00000026 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 00000028 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 0000002A 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 0000002E 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000030 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 00000034 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 00000036 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 00000038 2068 020C movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x20C] 0000003C 4E90 jsr [A0] 0000003E 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 00000042 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 00000046 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 00000048 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 0000004A 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 0000004E 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000050 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 00000054 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 00000058 4EB9 0000 DD6A jsr [0x0000DD6A] 0000005E 6000 00FA bra +0xFC /* 0000015A */ label00000062: 00000062 0C6E 0004 FFA4 cmpi.w [A6 - 0x5C], 0x4 00000068 6D00 00B2 blt +0xB4 /* 0000011C */ 0000006C 4879 FFFE 2B3C push.l 0xFFFE2B3C 00000072 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 00000078 3F2E FF92 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x6E] 0000007C 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 00000080 A893 syscall MoveTo 00000082 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 00000086 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 0000008A A891 syscall LineTo 0000008C 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 00000090 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 00000094 A891 syscall LineTo 00000096 4879 FFFF 6564 push.l 0xFFFF6564 0000009C 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 000000A2 302E FF8E move.w D0, [A6 - 0x72] 000000A6 5240 addq.w D0, 1 000000A8 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000000AA 302E FF90 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x70] 000000AE 5340 subq.w D0, 1 000000B0 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000000B2 A893 syscall MoveTo 000000B4 302E FF92 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x6E] 000000B8 5340 subq.w D0, 1 000000BA 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000000BC 302E FF90 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x70] 000000C0 5340 subq.w D0, 1 000000C2 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000000C4 A891 syscall LineTo 000000C6 302E FF92 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x6E] 000000CA 5340 subq.w D0, 1 000000CC 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000000CE 302E FF8C move.w D0, [A6 - 0x74] 000000D2 5240 addq.w D0, 1 000000D4 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000000D6 A891 syscall LineTo 000000D8 4879 FFFF 655C push.l 0xFFFF655C 000000DE 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 000000E4 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 000000E8 4EB9 0000 0A82 jsr [0x00000A82] 000000EE 2F00 move.l -[A7], D0 000000F0 7001 moveq.l D0, 0x01 000000F2 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000000F4 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000000F6 A8A9 syscall InsetRect 000000F8 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 000000FC 4EB9 0000 0A8A jsr [0x00000A8A] 00000102 2F00 move.l -[A7], D0 00000104 A8A1 syscall FrameRect 00000106 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 0000010A 4EB9 0000 0A82 jsr [0x00000A82] 00000110 2F00 move.l -[A7], D0 00000112 70FF moveq.l D0, 0xFFFFFFFF 00000114 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000116 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000118 A8A9 syscall InsetRect 0000011A 603E bra +0x40 /* 0000015A */ label0000011C: 0000011C 4879 FFFF 641A push.l 0xFFFF641A 00000122 A89D syscall PenPat 00000124 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 00000128 4EB9 0000 0A82 jsr [0x00000A82] 0000012E 2F00 move.l -[A7], D0 00000130 7601 moveq.l D3, 0x01 00000132 3F03 move.w -[A7], D3 00000134 3F03 move.w -[A7], D3 00000136 A8A9 syscall InsetRect 00000138 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 0000013C 4EB9 0000 0A8A jsr [0x00000A8A] 00000142 2F00 move.l -[A7], D0 00000144 A8A1 syscall FrameRect 00000146 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 0000014A 4EB9 0000 0A82 jsr [0x00000A82] 00000150 2F00 move.l -[A7], D0 00000152 76FF moveq.l D3, 0xFFFFFFFF 00000154 3F03 move.w -[A7], D3 00000156 3F03 move.w -[A7], D3 00000158 A8A9 syscall InsetRect label0000015A: 0000015A 486E FFA4 pea.l [A6 - 0x5C] 0000015E 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 00000162 4EB9 0000 DD72 jsr [0x0000DD72] 00000168 4A00 tst.b D0 0000016A 6600 FEF6 bne -0x108 /* 00000062 */ 0000016E 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 00000172 4EB9 0000 DD7A jsr [0x0000DD7A] 00000178 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 0000017C 4EB9 0000 DD82 jsr [0x0000DD82] 00000182 4CDF 0408 movem.l D3,A2, [A7]+ 00000186 4E5E unlink A6 00000188 205F movea.l A0, [A7]+ 0000018A 4FEF 000C lea.l A7, [A7 + 0xC] 0000018E 4ED0 jmp [A0] 00000190 8027 or.b D0, -[A7] 00000192 4472 6177 neg.w <> 00000196 5F5F subq.w [A7]+, 7 00000198 3135 5433 move.w -[A0], [A5 + D5.w * 4 + 0x33] 0000019C 4446 neg.w D6 0000019E 7261 moveq.l D1, 0x61 000001A0 6D65 blt +0x67 /* 00000207 */ 000001A2 4164 chk.w D0, -[A4] 000001A4 6F72 ble +0x74 /* 00000218 */ 000001A6 6E65 bgt +0x67 /* 0000020D */ 000001A8 7246 moveq.l D1, 0x46 000001AA 5035 5456 addq.b [A5 + D5.w * 4 + 0x56], 8 000001AE 6965 bvs +0x67 /* 00000215 */ 000001B0 7752 moveq.l D3, 0x52 000001B2 4335 5652 .invalid 1, [A5 + D5.w * 8 + 0x52] // invalid opcode 4 with b == 4 000001B6 6563 bcs +0x65 /* 0000021B */ 000001B8 7400 moveq.l D2, 0x00 000001BA 0000 4E56 ori.b D0, 0x56 /* 'V' */ 000001BE FF84 .invalid <> 000001C0 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 000001C2 246E 0010 movea.l A2, [A6 + 0x10] 000001C6 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 000001CA 4EB9 0000 DD62 jsr [0x0000DD62] 000001D0 2F2E 000C move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0xC] 000001D4 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 000001D8 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 000001DA 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 000001DC 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 000001E0 4E90 jsr [A0] 000001E2 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 000001E6 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 000001E8 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 000001EA 2068 020C movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x20C] 000001EE 4E90 jsr [A0] 000001F0 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 000001F4 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 000001F8 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 000001FA 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 000001FC 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 00000200 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000202 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 00000206 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 0000020A 4EB9 0000 DD6A jsr [0x0000DD6A] 00000210 6076 bra +0x78 /* 00000288 */ label00000212: 00000212 0C6E 0004 FFA4 cmpi.w [A6 - 0x5C], 0x4 label00000218: 00000218 6D4A blt +0x4C /* 00000264 */ 0000021A 4879 FFFE 2B3C push.l 0xFFFE2B3C 00000220 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 00000226 302E FF92 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x6E] 0000022A 5340 subq.w D0, 1 0000022C 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 0000022E 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 00000232 A893 syscall MoveTo 00000234 302E FF92 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x6E] 00000238 5340 subq.w D0, 1 0000023A 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 0000023C 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 00000240 A891 syscall LineTo 00000242 4879 FFFF 6564 push.l 0xFFFF6564 00000248 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 0000024E 3F2E FF92 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x6E] 00000252 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 00000256 A893 syscall MoveTo 00000258 3F2E FF92 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x6E] 0000025C 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 00000260 A891 syscall LineTo 00000262 6024 bra +0x26 /* 00000288 */ label00000264: 00000264 4879 FFFF 641A push.l 0xFFFF641A 0000026A A89D syscall PenPat 0000026C 302E FF92 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x6E] 00000270 5340 subq.w D0, 1 00000272 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000274 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 00000278 A893 syscall MoveTo 0000027A 302E FF92 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x6E] 0000027E 5340 subq.w D0, 1 00000280 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000282 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 00000286 A891 syscall LineTo label00000288: 00000288 486E FFA4 pea.l [A6 - 0x5C] 0000028C 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 00000290 4EB9 0000 DD72 jsr [0x0000DD72] 00000296 4A00 tst.b D0 00000298 6600 FF78 bne -0x86 /* 00000212 */ 0000029C 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 000002A0 4EB9 0000 DD7A jsr [0x0000DD7A] 000002A6 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 000002AA 4EB9 0000 DD82 jsr [0x0000DD82] 000002B0 245F movea.l A2, [A7]+ 000002B2 4E5E unlink A6 000002B4 205F movea.l A0, [A7]+ 000002B6 4FEF 000C lea.l A7, [A7 + 0xC] 000002BA 4ED0 jmp [A0] 000002BC 802B 4472 or.b D0, [A3 + 0x4472] 000002C0 6177 bsr +0x79 /* 00000339 */ 000002C2 5F5F subq.w [A7]+, 7 000002C4 3139 5433 444C move.w -[A0], [0x5433444C] 000002CA 696E bvs +0x70 /* 0000033A */ 000002CC 6552 bcs +0x54 /* 00000320 */ 000002CE 6967 bvs +0x69 /* 00000337 */ 000002D0 6874 bvc +0x76 /* 00000346 */ 000002D2 4164 chk.w D0, -[A4] 000002D4 6F72 ble +0x74 /* 00000348 */ 000002D6 6E65 bgt +0x67 /* 0000033D */ 000002D8 7246 moveq.l D1, 0x46 000002DA 5035 5456 addq.b [A5 + D5.w * 4 + 0x56], 8 000002DE 6965 bvs +0x67 /* 00000345 */ 000002E0 7752 moveq.l D3, 0x52 000002E2 4335 5652 .invalid 1, [A5 + D5.w * 8 + 0x52] // invalid opcode 4 with b == 4 000002E6 6563 bcs +0x65 /* 0000034B */ 000002E8 7400 moveq.l D2, 0x00 000002EA 0000 4E56 ori.b D0, 0x56 /* 'V' */ 000002EE FF84 .invalid <> 000002F0 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 000002F2 246E 0010 movea.l A2, [A6 + 0x10] 000002F6 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 000002FA 4EB9 0000 DD62 jsr [0x0000DD62] 00000300 2F2E 000C move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0xC] 00000304 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 00000308 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000030A 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 0000030C 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 00000310 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000312 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 00000316 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 00000318 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 0000031A 2068 020C movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x20C] 0000031E 4E90 jsr [A0] label00000320: 00000320 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 00000324 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 00000328 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000032A 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 0000032C 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 00000330 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000332 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 00000336 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] label0000033A: 0000033A 4EB9 0000 DD6A jsr [0x0000DD6A] 00000340 606E bra +0x70 /* 000003B0 */ label00000342: 00000342 0C6E 0004 FFA4 cmpi.w [A6 - 0x5C], 0x4 // begin alternate branch 00000346-00000348 label00000346: 00000346 FFA4 .invalid <> // end alternate branch 00000346-00000348 label00000346: // (misaligned) label00000348: 00000348 6D4A blt +0x4C /* 00000394 */ 0000034A 4879 FFFE 2B3C push.l 0xFFFE2B3C 00000350 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 00000356 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 0000035A 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 0000035E A893 syscall MoveTo 00000360 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 00000364 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 00000368 A891 syscall LineTo 0000036A 4879 FFFF 6564 push.l 0xFFFF6564 00000370 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 00000376 302E FF8E move.w D0, [A6 - 0x72] 0000037A 5240 addq.w D0, 1 0000037C 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 0000037E 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 00000382 A893 syscall MoveTo 00000384 302E FF8E move.w D0, [A6 - 0x72] 00000388 5240 addq.w D0, 1 0000038A 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 0000038C 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 00000390 A891 syscall LineTo 00000392 601C bra +0x1E /* 000003B0 */ label00000394: 00000394 4879 FFFF 641A push.l 0xFFFF641A 0000039A A89D syscall PenPat 0000039C 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 000003A0 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 000003A4 A893 syscall MoveTo 000003A6 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 000003AA 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 000003AE A891 syscall LineTo label000003B0: 000003B0 486E FFA4 pea.l [A6 - 0x5C] 000003B4 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 000003B8 4EB9 0000 DD72 jsr [0x0000DD72] 000003BE 4A00 tst.b D0 000003C0 6680 bne -0x7E /* 00000342 */ 000003C2 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 000003C6 4EB9 0000 DD7A jsr [0x0000DD7A] 000003CC 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 000003D0 4EB9 0000 DD82 jsr [0x0000DD82] 000003D6 245F movea.l A2, [A7]+ 000003D8 4E5E unlink A6 000003DA 205F movea.l A0, [A7]+ 000003DC 4FEF 000C lea.l A7, [A7 + 0xC] 000003E0 4ED0 jmp [A0] 000003E2 802A 4472 or.b D0, [A2 + 0x4472] 000003E6 6177 bsr +0x79 /* 0000045F */ 000003E8 5F5F subq.w [A7]+, 7 000003EA 3138 5433 move.w -[A0], [0x00005433] 000003EE 444C neg.w A4 000003F0 696E bvs +0x70 /* 00000460 */ 000003F2 654C bcs +0x4E /* 00000440 */ 000003F4 6566 bcs +0x68 /* 0000045C */ 000003F6 7441 moveq.l D2, 0x41 000003F8 646F bcc +0x71 /* 00000469 */ 000003FA 726E moveq.l D1, 0x6E 000003FC 6572 bcs +0x74 /* 00000470 */ 000003FE 4650 not.w [A0] 00000400 3554 5669 move.w [A2 + 0x5669], [A4] 00000404 6577 bcs +0x79 /* 0000047D */ 00000406 5243 addq.w D3, 1 00000408 3556 5265 move.w [A2 + 0x5265], [A6] 0000040C 6374 bls +0x76 /* 00000482 */ 0000040E 0000 4E56 ori.b D0, 0x56 /* 'V' */ 00000412 FF84 .invalid <> 00000414 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 00000416 246E 0010 movea.l A2, [A6 + 0x10] 0000041A 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 0000041E 4EB9 0000 DD62 jsr [0x0000DD62] 00000424 2F2E 000C move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0xC] 00000428 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 0000042C 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000042E 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 00000430 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 00000434 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000436 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 0000043A 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000043C 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 0000043E 2068 020C movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x20C] // begin alternate branch 00000440-00000444 label00000440: 00000440 020C 4E90 andi.b A4, 0x90 // end alternate branch 00000440-00000444 label00000440: // (misaligned) 00000442 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000444 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 00000448 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 0000044C 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000044E 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 00000450 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 00000454 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000456 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 0000045A 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] // begin alternate branch 0000045C-0000045E label0000045C: 0000045C FFD4 .invalid <> // end alternate branch 0000045C-0000045E label0000045C: // (misaligned) 0000045E 4EB9 0000 DD6A jsr [0x0000DD6A] // begin alternate branch 00000460-00000464 label00000460: 00000460 0000 DD6A ori.b D0, 0x6A /* 'j' */ // end alternate branch 00000460-00000464 label00000460: // (misaligned) 00000464 6076 bra +0x78 /* 000004DC */ label00000466: 00000466 0C6E 0004 FFA4 cmpi.w [A6 - 0x5C], 0x4 0000046C 6D4A blt +0x4C /* 000004B8 */ 0000046E 4879 FFFE 2B3C push.l 0xFFFE2B3C // begin alternate branch 00000470-0000047A label00000470: 00000470 FFFE .invalid <> 00000472 2B3C 4EB9 0000 move.l -[A5], 0x4EB90000 00000478 1282 move.b [A1], D2 // end alternate branch 00000470-0000047A label00000470: // (misaligned) 00000474 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 0000047A 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 0000047E 302E FF90 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x70] label00000482: 00000482 5340 subq.w D0, 1 00000484 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000486 A893 syscall MoveTo 00000488 3F2E FF92 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x6E] 0000048C 302E FF90 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x70] 00000490 5340 subq.w D0, 1 00000492 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000494 A891 syscall LineTo 00000496 4879 FFFF 6564 push.l 0xFFFF6564 0000049C 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 000004A2 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 000004A6 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 000004AA A893 syscall MoveTo 000004AC 3F2E FF92 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x6E] 000004B0 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 000004B4 A891 syscall LineTo 000004B6 6024 bra +0x26 /* 000004DC */ label000004B8: 000004B8 4879 FFFF 641A push.l 0xFFFF641A 000004BE A89D syscall PenPat 000004C0 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 000004C4 302E FF90 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x70] 000004C8 5340 subq.w D0, 1 000004CA 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000004CC A893 syscall MoveTo 000004CE 3F2E FF92 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x6E] 000004D2 302E FF90 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x70] 000004D6 5340 subq.w D0, 1 000004D8 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000004DA A891 syscall LineTo label000004DC: 000004DC 486E FFA4 pea.l [A6 - 0x5C] 000004E0 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 000004E4 4EB9 0000 DD72 jsr [0x0000DD72] 000004EA 4A00 tst.b D0 000004EC 6600 FF78 bne -0x86 /* 00000466 */ 000004F0 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 000004F4 4EB9 0000 DD7A jsr [0x0000DD7A] 000004FA 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 000004FE 4EB9 0000 DD82 jsr [0x0000DD82] 00000504 245F movea.l A2, [A7]+ 00000506 4E5E unlink A6 00000508 205F movea.l A0, [A7]+ 0000050A 4FEF 000C lea.l A7, [A7 + 0xC] 0000050E 4ED0 jmp [A0] 00000510 802C 4472 or.b D0, [A4 + 0x4472] 00000514 6177 bsr +0x79 /* 0000058D */ 00000516 5F5F subq.w [A7]+, 7 00000518 3230 5433 move.w D1, [A0 + D5.w * 4 + 0x33] 0000051C 444C neg.w A4 0000051E 696E bvs +0x70 /* 0000058E */ 00000520 6542 bcs +0x44 /* 00000564 */ 00000522 6F74 ble +0x76 /* 00000598 */ 00000524 746F moveq.l D2, 0x6F 00000526 6D41 blt +0x43 /* 00000569 */ 00000528 646F bcc +0x71 /* 00000599 */ 0000052A 726E moveq.l D1, 0x6E 0000052C 6572 bcs +0x74 /* 000005A0 */ 0000052E 4650 not.w [A0] 00000530 3554 5669 move.w [A2 + 0x5669], [A4] 00000534 6577 bcs +0x79 /* 000005AD */ 00000536 5243 addq.w D3, 1 00000538 3556 5265 move.w [A2 + 0x5265], [A6] 0000053C 6374 bls +0x76 /* 000005B2 */ 0000053E 0000 4E56 ori.b D0, 0x56 /* 'V' */ 00000542 FF84 .invalid <> 00000544 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 00000546 246E 0010 movea.l A2, [A6 + 0x10] 0000054A 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 0000054E 4EB9 0000 DD62 jsr [0x0000DD62] 00000554 2F2E 000C move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0xC] 00000558 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 0000055C 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000055E 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 00000560 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] label00000564: 00000564 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000566 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 0000056A 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000056C 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 0000056E 2068 020C movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x20C] 00000572 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000574 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 00000578 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 0000057C 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000057E 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 00000580 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 00000584 4E90 jsr [A0] 00000586 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 0000058A 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] label0000058E: 0000058E 4EB9 0000 DD6A jsr [0x0000DD6A] 00000594 606E bra +0x70 /* 00000604 */ label00000596: 00000596 0C6E 0004 FFA4 cmpi.w [A6 - 0x5C], 0x4 // begin alternate branch 00000598-0000059C label00000598: 00000598 0004 FFA4 ori.b D4, 0xA4 // end alternate branch 00000598-0000059C label00000598: // (misaligned) 0000059C 6D4A blt +0x4C /* 000005E8 */ 0000059E 4879 FFFE 2B3C push.l 0xFFFE2B3C // begin alternate branch 000005A0-000005AA label000005A0: 000005A0 FFFE .invalid <> 000005A2 2B3C 4EB9 0000 move.l -[A5], 0x4EB90000 000005A8 1282 move.b [A1], D2 // end alternate branch 000005A0-000005AA label000005A0: // (misaligned) 000005A4 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 000005AA 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 000005AE 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] label000005B2: 000005B2 A893 syscall MoveTo 000005B4 3F2E FF92 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x6E] 000005B8 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 000005BC A891 syscall LineTo 000005BE 4879 FFFF 6564 push.l 0xFFFF6564 000005C4 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 000005CA 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 000005CE 302E FF8C move.w D0, [A6 - 0x74] 000005D2 5240 addq.w D0, 1 000005D4 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000005D6 A893 syscall MoveTo 000005D8 3F2E FF92 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x6E] 000005DC 302E FF8C move.w D0, [A6 - 0x74] 000005E0 5240 addq.w D0, 1 000005E2 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000005E4 A891 syscall LineTo 000005E6 601C bra +0x1E /* 00000604 */ label000005E8: 000005E8 4879 FFFF 641A push.l 0xFFFF641A 000005EE A89D syscall PenPat 000005F0 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 000005F4 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 000005F8 A893 syscall MoveTo 000005FA 3F2E FF92 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x6E] 000005FE 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 00000602 A891 syscall LineTo label00000604: 00000604 486E FFA4 pea.l [A6 - 0x5C] 00000608 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 0000060C 4EB9 0000 DD72 jsr [0x0000DD72] 00000612 4A00 tst.b D0 00000614 6680 bne -0x7E /* 00000596 */ 00000616 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 0000061A 4EB9 0000 DD7A jsr [0x0000DD7A] 00000620 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 00000624 4EB9 0000 DD82 jsr [0x0000DD82] 0000062A 245F movea.l A2, [A7]+ 0000062C 4E5E unlink A6 0000062E 205F movea.l A0, [A7]+ 00000630 4FEF 000C lea.l A7, [A7 + 0xC] 00000634 4ED0 jmp [A0] 00000636 8029 4472 or.b D0, [A1 + 0x4472] 0000063A 6177 bsr +0x79 /* 000006B3 */ 0000063C 5F5F subq.w [A7]+, 7 0000063E 3137 5433 move.w -[A0], [A7 + D5.w * 4 + 0x33] 00000642 444C neg.w A4 00000644 696E bvs +0x70 /* 000006B4 */ 00000646 6554 bcs +0x56 /* 0000069C */ 00000648 6F70 ble +0x72 /* 000006BA */ 0000064A 4164 chk.w D0, -[A4] 0000064C 6F72 ble +0x74 /* 000006C0 */ 0000064E 6E65 bgt +0x67 /* 000006B5 */ 00000650 7246 moveq.l D1, 0x46 00000652 5035 5456 addq.b [A5 + D5.w * 4 + 0x56], 8 00000656 6965 bvs +0x67 /* 000006BD */ 00000658 7752 moveq.l D3, 0x52 0000065A 4335 5652 .invalid 1, [A5 + D5.w * 8 + 0x52] // invalid opcode 4 with b == 4 0000065E 6563 bcs +0x65 /* 000006C3 */ 00000660 7400 moveq.l D2, 0x00 00000662 0000 4E56 ori.b D0, 0x56 /* 'V' */ 00000666 FF84 .invalid <> 00000668 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000066A 246E 0010 movea.l A2, [A6 + 0x10] 0000066E 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 00000672 4EB9 0000 DD62 jsr [0x0000DD62] 00000678 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 0000067A 2F2E 000C move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0xC] 0000067E 2F2E 0008 move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0x8] 00000682 4EB9 0000 07AC jsr [0x000007AC] 00000688 2F2E 000C move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0xC] 0000068C 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 00000690 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 00000692 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 00000694 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 00000698 4E90 jsr [A0] 0000069A 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] // begin alternate branch 0000069C-0000069E label0000069C: 0000069C FF94 .invalid <> // end alternate branch 0000069C-0000069E label0000069C: // (misaligned) 0000069E 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 000006A0 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] 000006A2 2068 020C movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x20C] 000006A6 4E90 jsr [A0] 000006A8 486E FF94 pea.l [A6 - 0x6C] 000006AC 486E FF8C pea.l [A6 - 0x74] 000006B0 2F0A move.l -[A7], A2 000006B2 2052 movea.l A0, [A2] label000006B4: 000006B4 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 000006B8 4E90 jsr [A0] label000006BA: 000006BA 486E FF84 pea.l [A6 - 0x7C] 000006BE 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] // begin alternate branch 000006C0-000006C2 label000006C0: 000006C0 FFD4 .invalid <> // end alternate branch 000006C0-000006C2 label000006C0: // (misaligned) 000006C2 4EB9 0000 DD6A jsr [0x0000DD6A] 000006C8 6078 bra +0x7A /* 00000742 */ label000006CA: 000006CA 0C6E 0004 FFA4 cmpi.w [A6 - 0x5C], 0x4 000006D0 6D70 blt +0x72 /* 00000742 */ 000006D2 4879 FFFF 6564 push.l 0xFFFF6564 000006D8 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 000006DE 302E FF92 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x6E] 000006E2 5340 subq.w D0, 1 000006E4 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 000006E6 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 000006EA A893 syscall MoveTo 000006EC 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 000006F0 3F2E FF8C move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x74] 000006F4 A891 syscall LineTo 000006F6 3F2E FF8E move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x72] 000006FA 3F2E FF90 move.w -[A7], [A6 - 0x70] 000006FE A891 syscall LineTo 00000700 4879 FFFE 2B3C push.l 0xFFFE2B3C 00000706 4EB9 0000 1282 jsr [0x00001282] 0000070C 302E FF8E move.w D0, [A6 - 0x72] 00000710 5240 addq.w D0, 1 00000712 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000714 302E FF90 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x70] 00000718 5340 subq.w D0, 1 0000071A 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 0000071C A893 syscall MoveTo 0000071E 302E FF92 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x6E] 00000722 5340 subq.w D0, 1 00000724 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000726 302E FF90 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x70] 0000072A 5340 subq.w D0, 1 0000072C 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 0000072E A891 syscall LineTo 00000730 302E FF92 move.w D0, [A6 - 0x6E] 00000734 5340 subq.w D0, 1 00000736 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000738 302E FF8C move.w D0, [A6 - 0x74] 0000073C 5240 addq.w D0, 1 0000073E 3F00 move.w -[A7], D0 00000740 A891 syscall LineTo label00000742: 00000742 486E FFA4 pea.l [A6 - 0x5C] 00000746 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 0000074A 4EB9 0000 DD72 jsr [0x0000DD72] 00000750 4A00 tst.b D0 00000752 6600 FF76 bne -0x88 /* 000006CA */ 00000756 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 0000075A 4EB9 0000 DD7A jsr [0x0000DD7A] 00000760 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 00000764 4EB9 0000 DD82 jsr [0x0000DD82] 0000076A 245F movea.l A2, [A7]+ 0000076C 4E5E unlink A6 0000076E 205F movea.l A0, [A7]+ 00000770 4FEF 000C lea.l A7, [A7 + 0xC] 00000774 4ED0 jmp [A0] 00000776 8030 4472 or.b D0, [A0 + D4.w * 4 + 0x72] 0000077A 6177 bsr +0x79 /* 000007F3 */ 0000077C 5F5F subq.w [A7]+, 7 0000077E 3234 5433 move.w D1, [A4 + D5.w * 4 + 0x33] 00000782 4447 neg.w D7 00000784 7261 moveq.l D1, 0x61 00000786 7942 moveq.l D4, 0x42 00000788 6163 bsr +0x65 /* 000007ED */ 0000078A 6B67 bmi +0x69 /* 000007F3 */ 0000078C 726F moveq.l D1, 0x6F 0000078E 756E moveq.l D2, 0x6E 00000790 6441 bcc +0x43 /* 000007D3 */ 00000792 646F bcc +0x71 /* 00000803 */ 00000794 726E moveq.l D1, 0x6E 00000796 6572 bcs +0x74 /* 0000080A */ 00000798 4650 not.w [A0] 0000079A 3554 5669 move.w [A2 + 0x5669], [A4] 0000079E 6577 bcs +0x79 /* 00000817 */ 000007A0 5243 addq.w D3, 1 000007A2 3556 5265 move.w [A2 + 0x5265], [A6] 000007A6 6374 bls +0x76 /* 0000081C */ 000007A8 0000 FFFF ori.b D0, 0xFF 000007AC 4E56 FF9C link A6, -0x0064 000007B0 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 000007B4 4EB9 0000 DD62 jsr [0x0000DD62] 000007BA 2F2E 000C move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0xC] 000007BE 486E FF9C pea.l [A6 - 0x64] 000007C2 2F2E 0010 move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0x10] 000007C6 206E 0010 movea.l A0, [A6 + 0x10] 000007CA 2050 movea.l A0, [A0] 000007CC 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 000007D0 4E90 jsr [A0] 000007D2 486E FF9C pea.l [A6 - 0x64] 000007D6 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 000007DA 4EB9 0000 DD6A jsr [0x0000DD6A] 000007E0 6022 bra +0x24 /* 00000804 */ label000007E2: 000007E2 0C6E 0004 FFA4 cmpi.w [A6 - 0x5C], 0x4 000007E8 6D1A blt +0x1C /* 00000804 */ 000007EA 4879 FFFE 2B24 push.l 0xFFFE2B24 000007F0 4EB9 0000 128A jsr [0x0000128A] 000007F6 486E FF9C pea.l [A6 - 0x64] 000007FA 4EB9 0000 0A8A jsr [0x00000A8A] 00000800 2F00 move.l -[A7], D0 00000802 A8A3 syscall EraseRect label00000804: 00000804 486E FFA4 pea.l [A6 - 0x5C] 00000808 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] // begin alternate branch 0000080A-0000080C label0000080A: 0000080A FFD4 .invalid <> // end alternate branch 0000080A-0000080C label0000080A: // (misaligned) 0000080C 4EB9 0000 DD72 jsr [0x0000DD72] 00000812 4A00 tst.b D0 00000814 66CC bne -0x32 /* 000007E2 */ 00000816 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 0000081A 4EB9 0000 DD7A jsr [0x0000DD7A] // begin alternate branch 0000081C-00000820 label0000081C: 0000081C 0000 DD7A ori.b D0, 0x7A /* 'z' */ // end alternate branch 0000081C-00000820 label0000081C: // (misaligned) 00000820 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 00000824 4EB9 0000 DD82 jsr [0x0000DD82] 0000082A 4E5E unlink A6 0000082C 205F movea.l A0, [A7]+ 0000082E 4FEF 000C lea.l A7, [A7 + 0xC] 00000832 4ED0 jmp [A0] 00000834 802E 4472 or.b D0, [A6 + 0x4472] 00000838 6177 bsr +0x79 /* 000008B1 */ 0000083A 5F5F subq.w [A7]+, 7 0000083C 3232 5447 move.w D1, [A2 + D5.w * 4 + 0x47] 00000840 7261 moveq.l D1, 0x61 00000842 7942 moveq.l D4, 0x42 00000844 6163 bsr +0x65 /* 000008A9 */ 00000846 6B67 bmi +0x69 /* 000008AF */ 00000848 726F moveq.l D1, 0x6F 0000084A 756E moveq.l D2, 0x6E 0000084C 6441 bcc +0x43 /* 0000088F */ 0000084E 646F bcc +0x71 /* 000008BF */ 00000850 726E moveq.l D1, 0x6E 00000852 6572 bcs +0x74 /* 000008C6 */ 00000854 4650 not.w [A0] 00000856 3554 5669 move.w [A2 + 0x5669], [A4] 0000085A 6577 bcs +0x79 /* 000008D3 */ 0000085C 5243 addq.w D3, 1 0000085E 3556 5265 move.w [A2 + 0x5265], [A6] 00000862 6374 bls +0x76 /* 000008D8 */ 00000864 0000 FFFF ori.b D0, 0xFF 00000868 4E56 FF9C link A6, -0x0064 0000086C 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 00000870 4EB9 0000 DD62 jsr [0x0000DD62] 00000876 2F2E 000C move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0xC] 0000087A 486E FF9C pea.l [A6 - 0x64] 0000087E 2F2E 0010 move.l -[A7], [A6 + 0x10] 00000882 206E 0010 movea.l A0, [A6 + 0x10] 00000886 2050 movea.l A0, [A0] 00000888 2068 0140 movea.l A0, [A0 + 0x140] 0000088C 4E90 jsr [A0] 0000088E 486E FF9C pea.l [A6 - 0x64] 00000892 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 00000896 4EB9 0000 DD6A jsr [0x0000DD6A] 0000089C 6022 bra +0x24 /* 000008C0 */ label0000089E: 0000089E 0C6E 0004 FFA4 cmpi.w [A6 - 0x5C], 0x4 000008A4 6D1A blt +0x1C /* 000008C0 */ 000008A6 4879 FFFF 6564 push.l 0xFFFF6564 000008AC 4EB9 0000 128A jsr [0x0000128A] 000008B2 486E FF9C pea.l [A6 - 0x64] 000008B6 4EB9 0000 0A8A jsr [0x00000A8A] 000008BC 2F00 move.l -[A7], D0 000008BE A8A3 syscall EraseRect label000008C0: 000008C0 486E FFA4 pea.l [A6 - 0x5C] 000008C4 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] // begin alternate branch 000008C6-000008C8 label000008C6: 000008C6 FFD4 .invalid <> // end alternate branch 000008C6-000008C8 label000008C6: // (misaligned) 000008C8 4EB9 0000 DD72 jsr [0x0000DD72] 000008CE 4A00 tst.b D0 000008D0 66CC bne -0x32 /* 0000089E */ 000008D2 486E FFD4 pea.l [A6 - 0x2C] 000008D6 4EB9 0000 DD7A jsr [0x0000DD7A] // begin alternate branch 000008D8-000008DC label000008D8: 000008D8 0000 DD7A ori.b D0, 0x7A /* 'z' */ // end alternate branch 000008D8-000008DC label000008D8: // (misaligned) 000008DC 486E FFA8 pea.l [A6 - 0x58] 000008E0 4EB9 0000 DD82 jsr [0x0000DD82] 000008E6 4E5E unlink A6 000008E8 205F movea.l A0, [A7]+ 000008EA 4FEF 000C lea.l A7, [A7 + 0xC] 000008EE 4ED0 jmp [A0] 000008F0 802F 4472 or.b D0, [A7 + 0x4472] 000008F4 6177 bsr +0x79 /* 0000096D */ 000008F6 5F5F subq.w [A7]+, 7 000008F8 3233 5457 move.w D1, [A3 + D5.w * 4 + 0x57] 000008FC 6869 bvc +0x6B /* 00000967 */ 000008FE 7465 moveq.l D2, 0x65 00000900 4261 clr.w -[A1] 00000902 636B bls +0x6D /* 0000096F */ 00000904 6772 beq +0x74 /* 00000978 */ 00000906 6F75 ble +0x77 /* 0000097D */ 00000908 6E64 bgt +0x66 /* 0000096E */ 0000090A 4164 chk.w D0, -[A4] 0000090C 6F72 ble +0x74 /* 00000980 */ 0000090E 6E65 bgt +0x67 /* 00000975 */ 00000910 7246 moveq.l D1, 0x46 00000912 5035 5456 addq.b [A5 + D5.w * 4 + 0x56], 8 00000916 6965 bvs +0x67 /* 0000097D */ 00000918 7752 moveq.l D3, 0x52 0000091A 4335 5652 .invalid 1, [A5 + D5.w * 8 + 0x52] // invalid opcode 4 with b == 4 0000091E 6563 bcs +0x65 /* 00000983 */ 00000920 7400 moveq.l D2, 0x00 00000922 0000 2120 ori.b D0, 0x20 /* ' ' */ 00000926 0A03 1521 xori.b D3, 0x21 /* '!' */ 0000092A 00FF .incomplete 0000092C FFFF .invalid <> 0000092E DC21 add.b D6, -[A1] 00000930 0811 0F11 btst.b [A1], 0x11 00000934 00FF .incomplete 00000936 FFFF .invalid <> 00000938 D920 add.b -[A0], D4 0000093A 00FF .incomplete 0000093C FFFF .invalid <> 0000093E F023 0805 pmove -[A3], MR2 00000942 2720 move.l -[A3], -[A0] 00000944 0803 1400 btst.b D3, 0x0 00000948 FFFF .invalid <> 0000094A FFFD .invalid <> 0000094C 1116 move.b -[A0], [A6] 0000094E 0805 2820 btst.b D5, 0x20 /* ' ' */ 00000952 0803 1000 btst.b D3, 0x0 00000956 FFFF .invalid <> 00000958 FFFD .invalid <> 0000095A 1512 move.b -[A2], [A2] 0000095C 0705 btst D5, D3 0000095E 2720 move.l -[A3], -[A0] 00000960 0803 1400 btst.b D3, 0x0 00000964 FFFF .invalid <> 00000966 FFFD .invalid <> 00000968 1116 move.b -[A0], [A6] 0000096A 0805 2820 btst.b D5, 0x20 /* ' ' */ label0000096E: 0000096E 0803 1000 btst.b D3, 0x0 00000972 FFFF .invalid <> 00000974 FFFD .invalid <> 00000976 1512 move.b -[A2], [A2] label00000978: 00000978 0705 btst D5, D3 0000097A 2728 0803 move.l -[A3], [A0 + 0x803] 0000097E 1700 move.b -[A3], D0 label00000980: 00000980 FFFF .invalid <> 00000982 FFFD .invalid <> 00000984 2508 move.l -[A2], A0 00000986 0528 1308 btst [A0 + 0x1308], D2 0000098A 0305 btst D5, D1 0000098C 0907 btst D7, D4 0000098E 0526 btst -[A6], D2 00000990 1308 move.b -[A1], A0 00000992 0305 btst D5, D1 00000994 0907 btst D7, D4 00000996 0500 btst D0, D2 00000998 0083 5600 0000 ori.l D3, 0x56000000 /* 'V\0\0\0' */ 0000099E 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009A2 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009A6 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009AA 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009AE 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009B2 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009B6 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009BA 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009BE 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009C2 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009C6 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009CA 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009CE 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009D2 0000 0000 ori.b D0, 0x0 000009D6 0000 .incomplete